Product Name: Nintendo NES classic mini EU retailer console
The NES Classic Edition system is a miniaturized version of the groundbreaking NES, originally released in 1985. Just plug the NES Classic Edition into your TV, pick up that gray controller, and rediscover the joy of NES games. The games on here are Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3 and Mario Bros Dr. Mario The Legend of Zelda Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. Mega Man PAC-MAN Final Fantasy Metroid Kirby Adventure Castlevania and Castlevanie II: Simon's Quest Ninja Gaiden Punch OUt Featuring Mr. Dream Balloon Fight Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Excitebike Ice Climber Kid Icarus Double Dragon II: The Revenge Bubble Bobble Tecmo Bowl Super C Galaga StarTropics Ghosts'n Goblins Gradius What's in the Box? This is a brand new system never been used bought it and just don't have time to use it Sells on Amazon for like 200 retailer Open to offers.