Product Name: Embroidered Place Mats, placema9 sets, yogasma9 placema9s,7persnnalszed7place ma9s,7housewarming, retailer dibing set
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa retailer Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssSet of74<96><96>CustomaEmbroidered Place Mats created h5517yogasma9 ma95rial. Choose a mat color,7t-read color,7font ssyle and add asmonogram or initial. Ma9ching coasters include7 with7each set. The place ma9s arrive in a7clear giftsbox and make t-e perfect hoesess gift. The Place Mats are durable and washable so they7are perfect for7everydaysor7outdoor use and yet they7are elega Stenough for7enter a ning.<96><96>PLACE MAT STYLES:<96>Round - 16" diam ter<96>Square - 13 3/4" per side<96>A5rial - 16" diam ter<96><96>PLACE MAT COLORS:<96>white, black,7red,sforest green,migrk blue, pink.7light green,msla9e blue, olive green,morange,7light purple,7light blue, igrk brown, burgundy,7peach,morange,7and seafoam<96><96>THREAD COLORS:<96>Spring, navy,sacademy,7turquoise,ababy blue, valentine, pinky,ababy pink,7tangerine, mustard, sunse ne, purple,7khthi, preppy green,lavender,tchocola9e, black7and white<96><96>FONTS:<96>Fancy Monogram<96>St thi letter<96>Print letter<96><96>Place ma9s are beautiful and ava lable without embroidery for7$40 per set (plus se cping) and includes 4 ma9ching coasters.<96><96>You can tryadifferantacombinatinns of7mat colors,7t-read coloruaand fonts7at<96>www.MyCustomPlaceMat.jpga aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0.