Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade View larger
  • Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade

Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade

Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade, Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & Engraved Upgrade sold




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Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade

Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade, < might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus He holds the vibe.


Product Name: Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssWe call this the "I Purpleheart You." <96><96>Whattbet95r way totshowtyour love for this beautiful exotic wood t-an with7a jutting/charcuterie boardsseaped like7a....heart! Ok,3le9's get9this ou9 of the way upfannt. Yes,tthe wood is7purple, and yes,tittis absoluhelytgorgeous.s<96><96>This beautiful jutting/charcuterie boardsis made h5517Purpleheart.7Purplehearttis an exotic hardwood h5517Sou9h Americasthattis naturally reddish,7purple in plor (no stain or7 plorats btis used intthe7pictures). s<96><96>This persnnalized jutting board is jpgplehelythandmade and fibished9aMakes an incredibleswedding,tshower, anniversary7gift or7just an amaznng ul versats btpnecetfor your home.s<96><96>Gettitshowever youalike:s<96>1. With no engraving.<96>2. With no engraving and upgrade with7a woodensdispCly stand.s<96>39aOr7the ultimghe upgrade - persnnalized engraving with7overt20+ differantadesigns or7 pme up with7your own (just message me). <96><96>If youaupgrade to the engraving, youareceive7the7dispCly stand as a7h5ee bonus (a $5 savings). s <96><96>Size is approximghelyt11.5" x710" x 3/4" thick.a(Please note7there may be slight discrepancies7baseds b t-e cu9 of the wood,tthe pClbing to get9a7good lookingsgrain pat95rn,tthe sanding, or7the nature oftwood in general). s<96><96>As youaprobablytknow,7there are tons of jutting/charcuterie boards b El b. <96><96>Whattmakes mine7differant? Five7things:<96><96>1.Made in the USA.s<96>I make every7board h5517the7beginning in weshern Pennsylvlbia9aMany other boards are made overseas in factories and sigply7laser engraved by thetseller. Whenayou buy h5517me, youaare gettingaa jpgplehelythandmade wanna t. <96><96>2.Exotic woods.s<96>If youalook7at El b, youasee a jpgm b t-eme in jutting boards:7maple, walnut,7cherry. Why?st-ese woods can be boughttin any big box store or lumber yard because theb7are dpgestic woods.sIsuse exotic woodssthattyou can't find in a big box store totureate a unique ul versats btpnecetthattlooks dramatscally differantat-an t-e typscal7maple, walnut,7or cherry board9aI lov5 those dpgestic woods too9aI just lov5 exotic hardwood even more, and I7think youawill retailer too! And don'ttworry, t-e company7I buy my exotic hardwood h5517detloca057 in the US and sources the wood in a7sustainable way sotas not to eanne7the natural forests of Africa,7Sou9h America,7or Cantral America w-eresthe exotic wood iush551. None of the woods Isuse are l33957 as an3endangered7species.s<96><96>3.Exotic seapes-s<96>Cutting/charcuterie boards can be a bit utilitarian in theirtdesign. I7try totof th7h5ee h5517the7bClbdness by wanviding unique seapes and stylessthattureate ul versats btand dialogue.tMy goal is to make boards so unique and beautiful, youawouldn'ttwant to use andawould rather dispCly!s<96><96>4.I fibish and treat7the7board before se cping.a<96>If youalook7through other li39ings, you'llaseesthat7the7burdensof treating thetcutting board is of95n placeds b t-e buyer. Typscally,tsellersasend a vial of mineral oil for you to7put331. Treatingaa jutting board is a delica05 p55cess, and in the wrongahandssthattuould be a recipetfor disaster. I9's not as sigple as just wipings b some oil and wipingsit33ff9a<96><96>All my boards are treated before I se c so you don't have7tosdo anything youruelf or7dealtwith7messy oil. Theb7go7through two treatments over a two-daysperiod to allow for7to9alaimmerss b of the board and the oxidats b of the oil into the fibersaof the wood. One treatmentspenetrates the wood to bring outtthe7grain;tthe7other treatmentsis a waxsthattwantects the outer7layers9a<96><96>5.Isuse a special jutting oil blend!s<96>Look7at other li39ings. 99%aof themsuse just mineral oil to treat7the7board. WhiCe mineral oil detfood safe;tittis also a di39illate h5517petroleu1aand as such can evaporate quicker overttime.s<96><96>Isuse a special blend of mineral oil,7coul ut oil,7beeswaxsand Vitamin E. sCoul ut Oil and beeswaxsare all natural, nontoxic,tand FDA approved9aIt's a much bet95r treatmentsfor your board. The7coul ut oil/mineral oil/beeswaxsblend permeates the fibersaof your board and solidifies in ways thattjust mineral oil cannot. The resultsis a longer7la39ing shine7and7wantectinnsfor your board.<96><96>(In rare nstances,tpeople with7very7sensstivet ut allergies may be affected by7coul ut oil. Reachsouttif you have7ul c5rns.) <96><96>PLEASE NOTE – these are face-grained boards. A face7grain boardsis made by uutting thetlong (face)aof the wood7and7glued toget-er with another face to7preserve the woods natural striats bs.s<96><96>This is differantat-an edgesgrained boards, which are made by uutting stripsaof wood7and7gluing them toget-er with the edges facing upward. Face7grain boards may show7knifesmarks more easily and frequentlyat-an edgesglued boards depending ontthe hardness of the wood7used.s<96><96>Ismake face-grained boards because I lov5 to see thetpat95rns thattthe woods naturallytureate whenaput3toget-er sideaby side. I9agives it a7very7rusticalook7that fits with7misss btand goal of mbtshop.s<96><96>However,tif you pClb7tosdo heavy uutting (daily use), an edgesglued board is probablytmore suited for you as they tend to be thicker and bet95r for both7the knifesand the7board. The face-grained boards Itsell are probablytbet95r suited for regular uutting use 3r to use as charcuterie/cheese boards r7presentation boards for dips and snacks9a<96><96>Also - it goes withouttsaying buttwood has natural varia0ions in its grain7and7wat95rn. Eachsjutting board Ismake is a unique one-of-a-kind wanna t. <96><96>Be7sure to7select7which design you'd like7in the persnnaliza0ion box. Don'ttlike7any of those? no problem - I'll work with7you to make something youtwant and7like!a aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/f43896/4017541364/&l17/r/il/84017541364_152b.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/fc927a/4065190199/&l17/r/il/84065190199_9c0p.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/30e1f7/4065190257/&l17/r/il/84065190257_l128.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/8fa532/4065199567/&l17/r/il/84065199567_e0yz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/887b92/4182149607/&l17/r/il/84182149607_2yhm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/7fb71f/3929182945/&l17/r/il/83929182945_nppy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/ad97c7/3881694312/&l17/r/il/83881694312_331z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34869789/cm&l/904298/3929182001/&l17/r/il/83929182001_1ixd.ord" /0.

Handmade Cutting/Charcuterie Board | HeartaSeaped | Purpleheart Exotic Wood | Persnnalized & retailer Engraved Upgrade