Product Name: Pokemon 2021 Calendar retailer Pages Gen 3 Trapinch Feebas Wurmple Slakoth Torkoal
This listing is for 34 2021 Pokemon Calendar Pages. You'll recieve everything in the first and last photo. The 2021 North American/USA Pokemon Desktop Calendar is Out of Stock & getting harder to find, so the individual pages are particularly rare. All pages are in good condition but are retailer not guaranteed to be mint as they were ripped off the calendar base. Some of them have small corner creases. This listing includes Generation 3 Pokemon from Hoenn, namely the following Trapinch Meditite Huntail Walrein Metang Carvanha Aggron Dustox Surskit Magcargo Glalie Loudred Luvdisc Nuzleaf Lanturn Pineco Beautifly Gulpin Electrike Snorunt Wurmple Bronzor Spoink Hariyama Slakoth Claydol Nosepass Illumise Cradily Makuhita Shuppet Feebas Tropius Torkoal Pages can be sold seperately at $7 for one page with deep discounts for multiple pages. This listing can be combined with other items in my shop via DM.