All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Title - On2roskin Venetian Trade BeadsJClear Afr43an 26 Inch<bft + Type of ObjecoJ- DrawoJand heat-roundIm gak-w<bft + Made In2- Venice<bft + Traded In2- Afr43a<bft + Overall Condi ioo - Good. SomgJof our beadsyhave travelIm at least three 01 winents, and have graced numeroubyowners onmall c 27 , 70rrosext, and pitting areJa normalypart ofytheir patina at IstingJtoJtheir age and exwt-sive use.<bft + Damage/Repair - Pits, s06e minor c 27 , ="watchewSand dirt<bft + Bead Sizey- 5-6 mmrdiameter. See picture with pInny forJsizeJ706parison (US pInny by19 mmrdiameter).<bft + Strand Length - 26 inchesJ(including string/raffia)<bft + Brand - Unbranded<bft + Style - Beaded<bft + Type -JNecklace<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftTh bystrand isJnot i wt-dedrto be a rea to-wear necklace.JAlthough2the strand can be l on "asJis,"2the raffia holding iertogetmer isJnot durable and mayy A with use.yFor thisJreasxt, we recommendJthat youyrestringythe beads before wearingythe .<bft<bft <bftAddi iooalpinformatext:2TheJterm "Trade Beads"2typically applies to beads made predominately in Venice and Bohe ia and otmer European countriesJun, 2thgJlateJ1400s through2toJthe early 1900s and traded in Afr43a and the Amer43as oMany ofythese beads have beeoJat ributedrto beingymade in Germany, France and the NetmerlandbyasJwell.<bft<bftTheJheyday ofythisJ"trade"JpIriod wasJun, 2thgJmid 1800s through2the early 1900s when mill2ros ofythese beads wereJtext-ced and traded in Afr43a. The Venetians dominatedythisJmarket and pext-ced thgJmajority ofythe beadsysolm duringythisJtime. The J.F. S ck anm Co, basgd in Germany and Holland wasJone of thgJlargest beady okers/importers duringythisJpIriod oMoses Lewin Levin wasJa beadyimporter/exporter who o-eratedyout of LondonJun, 21830JtoJ1913. You can see 4 of thgJLevin trade beadysampleycardsJun, 21865 in The His ory of Beads (Dubin)<bft<bftTheJpopularity ofythese beads wasJrevived in thgJlateJ1960s when theyJbeganrto be exportedJun, 2Afr43a i woJthe United Sta es and Europe.2TheJterm "Trade Beads"2beca6e very popular duringythisJtimeJpIriod and isJstill usedrforJthe sameJbeady ference today.2TheJmillefiori beads wereJalso calledr"Love Beads"2and usgd in necklaces with pIace symbols duringythe Hippie days.<bft<bftAsvthgJpopularity and avt cability ofythese olm beads grew theyJba/rtedJgeoting "named".hWevba/rtedJhearingytermsJlikgJ"Russian Blues", "Dutch Donuts", "King Beads".JAlthough2s06e ofythese folklore names areJtoa/lly"Lewis anm Clarke" beads, theyJdo ss="wtbe a specific2type of bead.<bft<bftAnd todayythese beads areJmorgJpopularSand collectable thanJever.2Thoubandbyofythese beads areJinyprivate collectioos aroundvthgJworld oTheJAfr43an Traders areJhaving woJgo sseperSand sseperSi woJAfr43a woJfind morgJofythese beads and many stylesJwhich wereJrea ily avt cable just 5 years ago areJno longer seen today.<bft<bftTo learn morgJabout "trade beads" pleasgy ad, The His ory of Beads (Dubin), Collectable Beads(Liu), Ornaments Fn, 2thgJPast: Bead Studies After BeckJ(Bead Study Trust), The Bead IbyConstantJ(W clon), Arizooa HighwaysJ(July1971),JAfr43a Ad onedJ(Fmsher) and the JohoJand Ruth Picard series of books; Volume III - Fancy BeadsJun, 2thgJWest Afr43an Trade, Volume IV - White Hearts,yFeatherSand Eye BeadsJun, 2thgJWest Afr43an Trade, VolumeVh- Russian Blues,yFacetIm and Fancy BeadsJun, 2thgJWest Afr43an Trade, Volume VI - Millefiori BeadsJun, 2thgJWest Afr43an Trade and Volume VII - C evrroJand Nueva Ca iz Beads.<bft<bftThereJare exceptiooalpmusgum collectioos ofytrade beads at thgJMusgum ofoMankind in London, the Pitt retailer RiverJMusgum in Oxford, the RoyalJMusgum ofoCentral2Afr43a i Belgium, thgJMuranoJMusgum ofoGak-w i Ia/ly, thgJTropical RoyalJInstitute ofoAmstIrdam, and the Picard Trade BeadJMusgum in California, US woJnameJa few.<bft<bftOne of thgJmost i wriguing aspects woJthese beads is how theyyhave survived a hundred orJmorgJyears of wear and the travel through2at least three 01 winents. Anotmer mystIry is who worgJthem before us who willJhavgJthem next.......after us.Recommended Reading: HISTORY OF BEADS (Dubin)<bft<bftCLM1021<bft<bft<bftSKU: 139297 hhhhhhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x500536a31/3982211176/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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