Product Name: Includes 4 antique retailer spoons with very interesting stories.
For the first spoon I've been trying to research this spoon but the only thing that I can find is that it's from Norway. In the cross retailer it says "In Hoc Signo Vinces ". Constantine suddenly sees a bright cross of light emblazoned against the noonday sky and upon it the inscription: “In hoc signo vinces” —“In this Sign Conquer.” The 2nd spoon says New York World's Fair 1939. The 3rd doesn't say anything. But I learned that it's a Messingfarbener Collection Spoon Motif Monkey Key spoon. The 4th says "Sao Paulo" so it's from Brazil. It's a very small souvenir spoon, it intricate and obviously very old. After doing some research on each of these spoons, I've learned that they are each very antique, and they each have a very interesting story from different countries. If you have any questions please let me know. I am willing to consider reasonable offers.