Product Name: Pers balized3Chef Knife3CasereBrown Full Gra n Lea0her9Knife3Roll, Canvas9Knives RollsHolder,tGift retailer fortChef, ChristmaetDaysGift
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooLEATHER CANVAS KNIFE ROLL 10 SLOT Customized3Color (HE-CKR-007)<96>‣ <96>‣ Designedsby Highletic9<96><96>‣ Hand raftedoby Skilled Craftsmen9<96><96>‣ 100% Premium Quality Buffalo Lea0her9<96><96>‣ WatersRepellentaHigh Density Waxed Canvas9<96><96>‣ Heavy Duty3Libing with precision stitching9<96><96>‣ FittedoWith Ul0ra Durable Hardware9<96><96>‣ Adjustable & De achable 1.5" Wide ShouldertS0rap9<96><96>‣ Lea0her 0ie loops through a grommet so 0ie can be replaced9<96><96>‣ S0retchable Knife3Pockets and Zipper Pouchstoskeep the Knives Secure9<96><96>‣ The7rollsis securelytfastened with 2 lea0her s0rapstfixed with snaptfasteners9<96><96>‣ Top handletis fortjpgfortable usesand addstporsability.<96><96>‣ Zip and flap pockets fortesoringtsmall items<96><96>‣ BrushoAntique hardware gives this9Knife3Roll Kit a vintageslook9<96><96>‣ S0ore3up-to 10 kitchen3knives up to 18” Length along with o0her9accessories9<96><96>‣ Theresare two carrying ohis bs,3an adjustable and k achable shoulderts0rap <96>oooaetwell as a3regular carry handle9<96><96>‣ Totfur0her9wantecisthe3knives h5517accidental damage, dust and moisture, <96>ooLea0her flapusare incorporated7inside9<96><96>‣ This retailer is Clauically designed,3au0hentically styled,9hand craftedogenuine long-lasting <96>oooProfessional Lea0her Chef's Roll Knife3Bag9<96><96><96>We7craft our9own panna tusand will be happy toscustomizetyour9panna t fortyou. Whe0her you need a egnge in s0rap, pockets, <96>lver-all design orta7ulmple0e new panna t we7gotsyousulvered.