Product Name: 13 Packages retailer of Cheesecloth Dritz Trimaco Assorted Sizes Household Food Grade
Are You A Crafter, Canner, Auto Detailer, Housekeeper, Have A Hobby Or An Emergency Prepper? You Will Receive 9 Sealed Packages Of Dritz Cheesecloth 36 Inches X 6 Yards Each And 4 Sealed Packages Of Trimaco 2 Square Yards Each 100% Woven White Cotton Fabric So Many Crafts, So Little Time Strain Rain Water Before You Boil It. Add Loose Tea Leaves To A Pouch Of Cheesecloth Cooking, Baking, Canning, Staining Furniture, Dusting, retailer Polishing, Cleaning, Waxing And Auto Detailing Bundle Fresh Herbs, Tie Them All Together In Cheesecloth And Toss It Into Soups, Broth Or Stews Use As An Emergency Bandage Or Wrap The Non Abrasive Texture Works Well On Windows, Polish Fine Silver, Use And Reuse Separate The Curds From The Whey, Pour The Mixture Into The Bowl Covered With Cheesecloth, Squeeze Out The Excess Bunch Some Cheesecloth Together, Dip In Paint And Distress Wood Picture Frames.