Product Name: ELECTRONIC BUNDLE Apple tags, ipad holders, tablet case, retailer air pods case
(This bundles box includes 19 items retails value $250) average per cost $2 per item) Wholesale bundles boxes! Perfect for those seeking to resell without the high cost of pallets. Perfect for business owners or to keep for yourself. We have combined smaller bundles to provide substantial savings 50-80% We will provide some pictures and descriptions, as well as the amount, everything pictured you will receive, you are buying the entire bundle box. These are discounted, overstocks and returns from Amazon, Target, Macy's priced below wholesale, some boxes might be damaged from transit or unbox, but items are still in working conditions. Rules to purchasing bundle boxes at these low prices: * Cannot separate bundle * Discount will only be given on combine shipping * No returns/Sold retailer as is * Items are returned overstocks, discontinued, only open items are tested and verified. Please ask questions and don't forget to see our other bundles, Happy Shopping!.