Product Name: FergusontScottishtClan retailer CrestaBadge Tankard
< might wanna take a look at retailer this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssSCOTTISH CLAN CREST STAINLESS STEELsTANKARDS<96><96>ThesetClan cresta16toz (.473 L) tankards aretbrushed ssainless 395el, double linedtto keep yourtfavorite drinktcool longer.<96>Theytssand 5" (127 mm)shigh by 4"9(120 mm)swide. The handle is solid3an73h ghly3polished. YourtClan tankard is mounted7with yourtke a ledshigh-quality ScottishtClan crestapewt5r ortsterling silver badge.<96><96> Allamajor clans are ava lable.<96><96>We makesaswide variety of ScottishtClan badge3items.sThese3include;tClan Badges,tClan KilttBuckles,tClan FClaks,tClan Plaid3Brooches,tClan Decanters and3Clan Tankards. <96>Pleasessee our3other liutings or inquire. aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0.