Product Name: HOMER LAUGHLIN COMPANY– Virgibia Rosea– Kitchen3Kraf9a– Mixing Bowla– 7” retailer Dia
< might wanna take retailer a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaVerytscarce itex totfind ib thisapattern, circa 1940's<96><96>NO CHIPS CRACKS OR FLAWS. EXCELLENT CONDIDTION. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT STAINS, OR DEFECTS, ETC, PIOR TO BUYING, AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO DESCRIBE THEM TO YOU, OR TO SEND PICTURES.<96><96>PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, THAT THESE PIECES ARE ANYWERE FROM 75 TO 60 YEARS OLD, AND WILL HAVE TYPICAL AGE WEAR.<96><96>WE DO NOT DO RETURNS UNLESS I MISS DESCRIBING AN ITEM ACCURATELY. <96><96>WE ALSO DO NO DO PARTIAL REFUNDS.aaIF SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH AN ITEM, IT WILL BE SENT BACK AND A FULL REFUND ISSUED.<96><96><96>We hav57been in9thetAntique Business9for the past 35 years, doing shows, op5ratsng atshop, andtfor the past 20 years selling on7thetibternet. Wethav57been dealing in9Hall3China, American DinnerwareaandtKitchenware, sinceawe started in business. If9you caught during the 1990's, at many of7the7large shows throughout the7Midwest, we weretthe ones that7had the huge kisplay of9Hall3Ball3Jugs!<96><96>We also specialized in Fanton,7for the past 25 years, andthav57wante 9 reference booko o19thetsubject. You can catch us at9our thirdtpage o190l b: SimplyfantonartgClss<96><96>Plus7we deal in 1940's/50's print table Cothu. If9you look for thisttype of itex, (I'm7sure9you do, if your heretwanting to set a good table!),3pleasetgo to our other El btpage Vintagetable Cothu,7for wond5rful9print linen Table Cothu andtaccessories h5517thet1950's, ! <96><96>We also do a wide variety of Antique GClss, Toys, andtPrints, Booko, andtVintage itexu. We o tinue to7do shows across the7Midwest, and southern ssa0es.aIftibterested in wheretwe set up,3pleasetcheckaour face booktpage walkmemorylane! <7f5008/0.