Product Name: Nintendo DS Lite retailer
This is the DSI XL. It comes with a console with battery and 16g. A memory card with tons of Mario, Pokémon, and more games. Zelda Phantom Hourglass super mario 64 Sonic Classic Series Pokemon Soul Silver Pokemon Platinum Pokemon Platinum Pokemon Black 2 retailer pokemon black Pokemon - White Version 2 Pokemon - White Edition Pokemon - SoulSilver Edition Pokemon - Platinum Edition Pokemon - Diamond Edition Phoenix Wright Ace Mario Partner Intime Mario Party DS Mario Kart DS The Legend of Zelda, The - Spirit Tracks The Legend of Zelda, Phantom Hourglass Kirby Super Star Ultra (US) GTA Chinatown final fantasy iv Castlevania Dawn of Sorrows Animal Crossing Wild World pokemon black 2 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Sky Explorer Digimon Story - Lost Evolution Mario and Luigi - The Inside Story of Bowser and more!.