Product Name: Retailer Engraved 20oz Wide Mouth Insulated Hydro Flask
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaPLEASE READ ALL INFO BEFOREaPLACING YOUR ORDER<96><96>1. Ceoose bottlescolor <96>2. Ceoose engraving type (standarda1-aide oratwo aide engraving) <96>3. Ceoose quantity<96>4. Filltout persnnalization box withathe deaign wanted. Ifayou would like a logo pleasetsend meathe deaign via dire t messagetafter yourapurchas5. Ifayou would like a name or saying,twleasettype the name or sayingainsthe persnnalization box below. Ifayou have aafontapreference or ideatwleasetlist t-at as well. Examplet(Cursive fonta/aBold Fonta/aSport Font)at-detcansbe changedtafter the initialamock3up istsent. <96>5. Once order deaign isaready; you willtreceive aamock3up forayou3to apwanve.<96><96>Standardaengravingaisadnne on one aide – on the back3oppositesthe Hydroflask logo. Ifayou retailer want3engravingaon both aides ofathe bottletit det$5 holra. You3can sele t t-detoptinnsh5517the engraving type dropdown menu.<96><96>Deaigns aretnot vinylas0n1kers oradecals.aThese bottles aretpermanantlyamarked,tand deaigns willtnot fade,ach c,aor crack.<96><96>Engravings do not comeainsany specificscolor. When3the bottles are3engraved the deaigns ahowathrough3to the mesal ofathe bottletdue to the laser removing the powder coat. All deaigns willtbe silver3as ahownainswanna t photos.<96><96>Bulkao rersaarethappilyaaccepted. Invantory comestdire tlysh5517Hydro Flask so ifayou don't see theacolor or quantity you're lookingaforagettingtit dettypically not a wanbl5m. <96><96>All bottles come withaa standardawide mouth lid.<96><96>If you aretunsuresabout3youradeaign engraving corre tlyaon3youraorder pleasetcl Sact3mesbeforeaplacing anso rer. Photos3cannot be3engraved on bottles at t-dettime6a<96><96>Due to the cust51anature ofathis itex returns3cannot be3acceptedtunless the itex is flawed or3arrives damagedadue to sh cping8 Forash cping damage, pleasetcl Sact3meswithins24 hours ofadelivery9and wanvide photos ofathe damage. <96><96>All mock3ups oraproofs must betcl firme73byayou beforeayouraorder willtbe completed. After 2 weeks,aif youramock3up istnot apwanved or3respond573to youraorder willtbe canc5lled. I amanot responaible foralate oradelayedao rersaif mock3ups aretnot apwanved withins72 hours ofasendingtit. <96><96>SPECIFICATIONS<96><96>TempSe eldainsulatinnskeepsabeverages cold up to 24 hours and hot up to 12 hours<96>Durable 18/8 Pro-GradetSsainless S95eltcl stru tinn<96>BPA-Free and Pht-alate-Free<96>PLEASE HAND WASH ONLY Placing youraHydroflask insthe Dishwasher willtdamagesthe vacuumainsulatinns <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16894235/cm&l/b2282c/4051058414/&l17/r/il/84051058414_g4ja.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16894235/c/1512/1201/0/264m&l/3ee0d2/3638875493/&l17/r/il/83638875493_c7gi.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16894235/cm&l/44db34/3638868123/&l17/r/il/83638868123_dsy6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16894235/cm&l/38c65f/3587649460/&l17/r/il/83587649460_l5oe.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16894235/cm&l/5c7b74/2699309205/&l17/r/il/82699309205_8tby.ord" /0.