Product Name: 3Pc-Luxury SKINCARE /(IT-Cosmetics-)(Crepe retailer Erase) Face/Hands/BODY/Value$149
retailer 3Pc Qty SALE $61 Retail $149 - NEW/Not Used/No Return from Vendor/ (Pics)-Sealed on Lid - All Skin Tones/All Textures All age 18yr-99yr- - Exclusive-"TRUFIRM Complex" Smoothing Formed /not advanced Absorb fast as deep in surface to firm Fixes - Skin firms and Elasticity Hydration.Rejuvenate,Preserves Youth - (CREPE ERASE -Treatments) *Get 2 * TWO- Sz 3.3floz Sell $38-$59/Total $99 - Fixes -dramatically change aging skin. Crepe,Sag-Skin,Dry/Ultra Dry,Pro-Aging Protect the skin's essential structure. - Visable Instant Results see+feel difference a day to week several weeks skin success - 1/(HANDS)- Anti-Aging Repair $28 (Apply- Back of Hands to Wrists Extend all- ShouldersArms. inner+outer 1/ (BODY- Smoothing )$38-$59 ensure skin is clean first Use all over BODY- inner+outer areas stomach,Back,legs,thighs,bottom, - 1/ It Cosmetics -Sz 1.7Floz $19 "Miracle Water "Toner" Cleanses+Refrehes as balances- all skin textures to repairs soft and pores mimimized.