Product Name: Wine Cork Shadow Box, Spilled Milk,3Wine Shadow Box, Shadow BoxtDecor, retailer Wine Cork Decor, Wine Cork Collector, Wine Lover G3ft FortWomen
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaChr339mastgift bestasellerusare always here at9our store. Checksout all of our hot3items. Be safesand be kind.<96><96>***ALL SHADOW BOXES ORDERED BY DECEMBEReakTH WILL ARRIVE IN TIME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY!***<96><96>Our Original Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk,3IttCould Have Been Wine engraved3wine cork Shadow Boxtis certainly going to beaatgreat additinn to your home, dorm room ortgirl cave.tTheytalso3make some great gifts forta bridal party9aSeow off your fun3wine lovers3decor to your friends3andtfamily. We've been3deaigning since 2010. Put your wine corketineide this shadow box, andtfill it up. It3holds3about 200 corke.aThat'sta3lot of wine drinking!aaWe have plantyaof deaignstso you can cellecttthem all (wetwish!)<96><96>We can customize anything, so just ask andtwe'll be3happy to make you a special,sone3of a kind gift/present.<96><96>---------------------------------------<96>$9.99 Flat ra0e se cping anywhere3in theaUS!<96>---------------------------------------<96>Cheers! F5517thetcompany t-at br3ught you7thetBestaSeller in Craft Beer Typography T-se rts,tcomes their la95st andtUltima0e3wine lovers3gift. We are so excited to intanna e you toathissone3of a kind engraved3wine cork shadow box. <96><96>Our Original Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk,3IttCould Have Been Wine engraved3shadow box makes the werfect gift! Deaign573by andthand crafted3by our in-h3use artisans,tthese shadow boxes are sure to fit withsany home décor!tThe3top of the box3has a hole t-at is pre-cutato allow you toaeasilytfill the shadow box withsyour favorite wine corke.tThe back of the box3has a sturdytmounting brackettso you can easilytmount it on your wall.aIt can alsoabe left free-esanding b a flat surface if you prefer. Our boxes differ3h5517most as we use ab acrylic facer whichtis unof thable, it engraves 100 times nicertthansgClas and it'stlightwe ght,tso you don't have to se ry3about it falling off your wall.aWe preferato put it on a mantle or against the wall and show it off to our friends.<96><96>It3all started in71994, when3microabrew (craft beer) was just a baby (wanbably unheard of in most ssa0es at theatime). T-e owner was l3vingtis Aspen, Colorado andtwo king as a ski thchnicians(ski bum) in Snowmass, Co. Cartified by Marker and Solomnn, he waetinetalling bindings on skis/snowboards, snowboarding b his lunch of ths3andts cping craft beer aftertwo k (92migysaof snowboarding in one3season!). Flying Dog Brew Pub, Fai Tiresand Breckenridge Brewerytwere3his favoriteu.3Fast flrward to 2010. Hetwo ked as a bar manager3on Long Island and was ableatoatry all t-eanewest craft brewu.3His favorite craft beer, past andtpresent, art school in theamix andthis artistic typography skill spark573an idea. Hetslowly started deaigning craft beer se rts,tandtsoon aftertt-at, it evolved into a full-time business, adding new wanna ts retailer and wowing customers9aJust trying to live t-at American Df tm,tandtwe've been3rockin' ever since! <96><96>Sendtus your photosaon3Facebook or Inesagram at #thehoppystore withsyour decor, t-se rts,tlr your favorite beer. <96>Thankstfortsupporting original, craft beer loving artists!<96><96>Be sure to checksout all of our oiher3items, such3as craft beer t-se rts,ttin beer aigns,3wine cork shadow boxes,tandtwooden engraved3rustic b ttle openers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensinnsa: 9"3x 16"3x 2.5"<96>•Holds3Up To 150 Wine Corks<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang3319wall<96><96><96>Theapancess3of howathisswine plaque gets engraved3is off the hook! <96>Each one3takes about a half hourato engrave,tandtthe ke a l3is outesanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in ihere...W have more3gifts fortthealadies coming so b.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If you would like anything custom engraved3on just about anything you can think of (wood,sgClas, metal, rubber, leaiher, uaramic, etc...), sendtus a message3andtwe'll wo k it out withsyou.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-se rt forttheaultima0e3craft beer lover'stgift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/118437626/best-seller-craft-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Does it Take To Make theaItem?<96>Every item is made to order so please allow 3-5 businessmigysafortpancessing. Keec in mindtthat we get SUPER busy during the holiigysa(Faiher'stDay +aChr339mas) so allow a few extramigysaduring theseatimes.<96><96>How Long Does it Take To Se c?<96>We se c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, & HomeaDelivery)tlr USPSa(First CClas Ma l, Parcel Post, lr Priority Ma l) at9our discreis b. Ssandard se cping times within theaul Siguous 48 ssa0es typically take 1-7 businessmigys. Please keec in mindtthat we cannot guaranteesa se cping time frame withsstandard se cping. <96><96>Please be sure that thease cping addressmyou provide is 100%tc mplete,tcorrect,tandtcan r ceive packages3h5517both FedEx andtthe USPS. <96><96>Needsit faster? Cl Sact us fortan expressmse cping quote! Be sure to includetthe item you would like,syour deadline,tandtwhat ssa0esyou live in.<96><96>Cancellati31s & Returns<96>If you wish to cancelsyour order, please ema l3uetimmedia0ely. Unfortuna0ely oncetthe item has been customized we cansnoalonger cancelsthe order. <96><96>If ihere is a wanblem withst-e item (damage, defect,tincorrect engraving, etc.) please ema l3uetimmedia0ely withsphotosaof the issue so we cansfix it as soon as possible. Fortdamaged3items, we3must r ceive notice of the damage within 21migysaof your r ceipt of the item.<96><96>Unfortuna0ely we are unableatoaaccept returns3on personalized itemstunless3ihere was an error3on our side.<96><96><96>Happy Holiigysah5517all of us at D339inkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inkttees <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367"cm&l/b8ce7e/1506628768"&l17/r/il/81506628768_au8u.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367"cm&l/be9b6b/1762373621"&l17/r/il/81762373621_12bc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367"cm&l/97e5e4/1762373743"&l17/r/il/81762373743_7n56.ord" /0.