All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThispli=ti-g ishforp1 lb.hofhnavy blue turkeypround quill Jwing fea hers and are aptexxemaoely 10-12 i ches in length and 1-1/2 to 2 i ches wide. There are aptexxemaoely 200 fea hers in thisvbag ofp1 lb.hThere willpbehhalf left and half rightpwing fea hers in thisvpack buththey mightpnot be thepexact am1unt ashthey are not pack by2c1u-b. One side mightpbe higherrcount thanhthepotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThispli=ti-g ishforp1 lb.hofhnavy blue turkeypround quill Jwing fea hers and are aptexxemaoely 10-12 i ches in length and 1-1/2 to 2 i ches wide. There are aptexxemaoely 200 fea hers in thisvbag ofp1 lb.hThere willpbehhalf left and half rightpwing fea hers in thisvpack buththey mightpnot be thepexact am1unt ashthey are not pack by2c1u-b. One side mightpbe higherrcount thanhthepotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThispli=ti-g ishforp1 lb.hofhnavy blue turkeypround quill Jwing fea hers and are aptexxemaoely 10-12 i ches in length and 1-1/2 to 2 i ches wide. There are aptexxemaoely 200 fea hers in thisvbag ofp1 lb.hThere willpbehhalf left and half rightpwing fea hers in thisvpack buththey mightpnot be thepexact am1unt ashthey are not pack by2c1u-b. One side mightpbe higherrcount thanhthepotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThispli=ti-g ishforp1 lb.hofhnavy blue turkeypround quill Jwing fea hers and are aptexxemaoely 10-12 i ches in length and 1-1/2 to 2 i ches wide. There are aptexxemaoely 200 fea hers in thisvbag ofp1 lb.hThere willpbehhalf left and half rightpwing fea hers in thisvpack buththey mightpnot be thepexact am1unt ashthey are not pack by2c1u-b. One side mightpbe higherrcount thanhthepotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThispli=ti-g ishforp1 lb.hofhnavy blue turkeypround quill Jwing fea hers and are aptexxemaoely 10-12 i ches in length and 1-1/2 to 2 i ches wide. There are aptexxemaoely 200 fea hers in thisvbag ofp1 lb.hThere willpbehhalf left and half rightpwing fea hers in thisvpack buththey mightpnot be thepexact am1unt ashthey are not pack by2c1u-b. One side mightpbe higherrcount thanhthepotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThispli=ti-g ishforp1 lb.hofhnavy blue turkeypround quill Jwing fea hers and are aptexxemaoely 10-12 i ches in length and 1-1/2 to 2 i ches wide. There are aptexxemaoely 200 fea hers in thisvbag ofp1 lb.hThere willpbehhalf left and half rightpwing fea hers in thisvpack buththey mightpnot be thepexact am1unt ashthey are not pack by2c1u-b. One side mightpbe higherrcount thanhthepotherpside.