All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese unique baby shower favors,rmade un, 2handmade -oaps, are perfecopfavorpfor2yourrelephantrthemed baby shower.hTheypcan also be made in any colors2forra boy shower orra girl shower or, evtn any style cutouts to match your theme.hIhcan match any color 706bmnatext, just notepit2when youhorder and =elecopcustom inhthehdexpdown menu.hTheypcan be handIdpout topyour guesol when theypleave orrdisplayedpat your retailer eventrforran addedpdecoraoext All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese unique baby shower favors,rmade un, 2handmade -oaps, are perfecopfavorpfor2yourrelephantrthemed baby shower.hTheypcan also be made in any colors2forra boy shower orra girl shower or, evtn any style cutouts to match your theme.hIhcan match any color 706bmnatext, just notepit2when youhorder and =elecopcustom inhthehdexpdown menu.hTheypcan be handIdpout topyour guesol when theypleave orrdisplayedpat your retailer eventrforran addedpdecoraoext All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese unique baby shower favors,rmade un, 2handmade -oaps, are perfecopfavorpfor2yourrelephantrthemed baby shower.hTheypcan also be made in any colors2forra boy shower orra girl shower or, evtn any style cutouts to match your theme.hIhcan match any color 706bmnatext, just notepit2when youhorder and =elecopcustom inhthehdexpdown menu.hTheypcan be handIdpout topyour guesol when theypleave orrdisplayedpat your retailer eventrforran addedpdecoraoext All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese unique baby shower favors,rmade un, 2handmade -oaps, are perfecopfavorpfor2yourrelephantrthemed baby shower.hTheypcan also be made in any colors2forra boy shower orra girl shower or, evtn any style cutouts to match your theme.hIhcan match any color 706bmnatext, just notepit2when youhorder and =elecopcustom inhthehdexpdown menu.hTheypcan be handIdpout topyour guesol when theypleave orrdisplayedpat your retailer eventrforran addedpdecoraoext All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese unique baby shower favors,rmade un, 2handmade -oaps, are perfecopfavorpfor2yourrelephantrthemed baby shower.hTheypcan also be made in any colors2forra boy shower orra girl shower or, evtn any style cutouts to match your theme.hIhcan match any color 706bmnatext, just notepit2when youhorder and =elecopcustom inhthehdexpdown menu.hTheypcan be handIdpout topyour guesol when theypleave orrdisplayedpat your retailer eventrforran addedpdecoraoext All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese unique baby shower favors,rmade un, 2handmade -oaps, are perfecopfavorpfor2yourrelephantrthemed baby shower.hTheypcan also be made in any colors2forra boy shower orra girl shower or, evtn any style cutouts to match your theme.hIhcan match any color 706bmnatext, just notepit2when youhorder and =elecopcustom inhthehdexpdown menu.hTheypcan be handIdpout topyour guesol when theypleave orrdisplayedpat your retailer eventrforran addedpdecoraoext