Product Name: BirminghamtStove and Range No. 7 retailer 10 1/4 IN CastaIr319Skillet (Restored)
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaBirminghamtStove and Range No. 7 10 1/4 IN CastaIr319Skillet<96>Cantury Serieu 1967-1980<96><96>t-is restored 10 inch skillet,sh5517BirminghamtStove and Range,shas been restored to glory andtis ready for t-at fresh coat of thing detamlzing tosuook 395akstor cornbread onaaccountaof how heavy it detandtit holds heaisvery well. <96><96>MADE IN USA: <96>In t-eslate 1960s,7BirminghamtStove & Range addedsa MADE IN USAtmark to t-e undereide of its newly deaigned Cantury is believed to havesoccurred by the yearu 1967 to31968. A large number of t-e newly deaigned Cantury pansswere panna 573before t-e MADE IN USAtmark was addedsto t-e majority of BS&R retailer molds,sh55171966sto late 1967aor early31968, and these panssdidtnot havesa MADE IN USAtmark.7Untils31ly recently, it was believed these pansshad been panna 573inat-e 1950u, and the MADE IN USAtmark indicated these pansshad been panna 573after the year is actually not correct. While7Wagner Ware had beguntmarkingsits pansswith MADE IN USAtduring t-e early31960u, ot-er majoracasttir bsuookware makersswaited untilst-eslater 1960usto3add t-is mark to t-eir includedsLodgetManufacturing, and BirminghamtStove & Range.<96><96>T-e3addition of MADE IN USAtmarkusto3all DISAtpanna tion machinessdidtnot occur overn is believed to havestakentplace between 1967aand 1968. If a BS&R pan3hadsa MADE IN USAtmark on t-e undereide, t-is indicated it was made with a moldsh5517an automated DISAtmachine,tbeginning in the year 1967 to31968. If the MADE IN USAtesamp was absent, the wan wastolder andtwasacasttbetween 1966aand 1968.<96><96>While7a BS&R pan3mark573with MADE IN USAtcan besguaranteed to havesa manufacture dateslater t-an 1967, there havesbeen ind3vidual piecessdiscovered thatsdidtnot bear t-is mark. Other identifying traits on these panssstill euggest t-ey were casttinat-e 1970s oralater,ainaspite of t-e lack of t-is mark. t-is is seen aetpanof t-at t-ere was no law or governmenstruling declaring allacasttir bsto bear t-is mark. Rat-er, it was voluntarily addedsby manufactureru as a3mark5ting strategy.<96><96>Consider t-is pan3for t-e7395ak monger in your life and they will love you for ever.<96>Has notsbeen seasoned.t(I will season it upon requesi)<96>I recommend Gheetor Avocado Oil. <96>Lots#1tttmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18600319/c/1904/1512/0/152"&l/3ee567/1680377873"&l17/r/il/81680377873_2dwg.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18600319/cm&l/b2a7b4/1632952742"&l17/r/il/81632952742_3tgb.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18600319/cm&l/cbb0d1/1632953092"&l17/r/il/81632953092_c10e.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18600319/cm&l/3b80fb/1632953306"&l17/r/il/81632953306_ecij.ord" /0.