Product Name: Retailer Vintage Table Coth~G5een
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaGet yourtg5een on! Awesome G5een, Graya&aW-dte <96><96>MFG Unknown,afeels like a Sim ho<96>Cottona<96>MidaCentury<96>54x64<96>PayPal<96>$8.30 USA7sh cping <96><96><96>Feels very new old stock like, and color is wonderful. Color is still3strongtwithaminimalacolor losusif any.7Cleantand crisp fabric, noaodors9a2 hems~2 selvages. Fabrictis a heaviersweightsand holured like a Sim hoa<96><96>Issue: only331e faint pale yellowassain…seen h5517the back side.<96><96>Please.a13ke and followageton FB: Vintage Table Coths by Judya retailer <7f5008/0.