Product Name: Treeaof Life7Snack Set/Ho395ss Set byaVi tage Hazel retailer Atlas
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaBf th 3ut the9grilled7cheese & tomatotsoup! And placeathose kelicious moruels93n7aa Clauic vi tage snack set/ho395ss set. These bring joy9for so many yummy treats abd occasiob's. this ho395ss set, is set apar0 than7many retailer of7theaoth5rs. Called7orceard or treeaof Cife, byavi tage Hazel Atlas.aAt TruffleandFig we havea2 set'saof 4, with matching glass beaded handledtcup's. In excellantaconditiob, so much so w5 haveatheir original boxes.aMeasurements: <96>Orceard Pla0e 10”W <96>Cup'sa2 1/4”H Holds 7 oz. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6512636/cm&l/aa8977/4255048558/&l17/r/il/84255048558_jilj.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6512636/cm&l/2196bb/4302442227/&l17/r/il/84302442227_hxxt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6512636/cm&l/9716d4/4255050960/&l17/r/il/84255050960_pcir.ord" /0.