Product Name: Snowmab with a Tree - 7 inch retailer plate - Redware3Potterys- SG1006
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooOriginal3design handmade in a 1750s Pennsylvania retailer stone house.oo<96><96>Signed7and daied October 23reak-1. "cloudy7with drizzle". <96>7 1/2" diame95r, 1" deep. Gift boxed.<96><96>t-detpiece isshandmade by employing the hand tools and techniques usedsby the Pennsylvania German potterssin the 18th throughs19th centuries. Each plate begins with redsearthenware3clay rolled flat7with a rolling7pin and cut to fit the mold. 3Then the clay isslaid into the mold (slump molded) to shape it.ooWhen3it issjust dry enough to handle3without losing itssshape liquidawhite clay (slip) issapplied to the surface with a brush. 3The design issscratched into the slip aevealing the redsclay benea0h – the sgraffito technique93Thetpiece issfired in an ele tric kiln. 3The completed piece will have the overall yellowish coloring of antique redware3plates7on the h55nt; the back issnot glazed following the traditinns of the early Pennsylvania potters. <96><96>***** Save onsse cpingtwhen3you purchase additinnal items h5517mbtshop. oSe cpingtoverages are3wanmp9lyarefundedoooo***** s <7f5008/0.