Horse oil painting original horse painting, retailer hand painted horse, wild horse art couple horse art, animal art
Horse oil painting original horse painting hand painted horse wild horse art.
Horse oil painting original horse painting, hand painted horse, wild horse art couple horse art, animal art
oil painting Pair of horses retailer on canvas Original hand-painted.
Original painting size 10 - 8 and unframed
oil, paint, brush, brush, oil painting, hand-painted, wall painting
Height: 8 inches; Width: 10 inches
*Hand-painted oil painting
* The work is not framed
* Please note that the appearance of colors may vary from monitor to monitor. Image colors may vary slightly from actual item depending on screen resolution and calibration.
Please keep this in mind before purchasing.
* Please allow 2-3 days after placing an order.
*Price includes USPS priority shipping, US packaging and handling.
* For international orders, standard international is used.
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