All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA<bftUses : ideal foryfurn4tureycushixts, b0atycushixts, carycushixts, foam mattresses andhbeddingysupportJandypoker/game2tables, <bftDInsityh: 1.8, 44lbycompressixt<bft<bftHigh dInsityhfoam with aycompressixt ratg of 44 poundsS(lbs), texv4ng the right amount of cushixtingyandystiffness onoft yet stillyholdingy4ts firmness with supportJwhilepallowing foryan individual to sitprovitrwithout compressing the foam too much.hTo define,ycompressixt = firmness compressixt whichydetermines firmness,ynot dInsity. Compressixt isythe number of poundsSnecessary toocompress a tieceyof foam 25%yandystillybounce backpto the original thickness (an example: a 4" thick tieceyof foam thaa2eequires 33 lbs.pto packpitrdown 1"yandyhaveoia2eeturn toy4ts full 4" thicknessyhas ay33 lb. Compressixt ratingSor IndIntation Load Deflectixty(ILD). Ifyyou don't wano a cushixt thaa's hard as ayrockoorya mattress thaa2sinks whenryou sitprovit,yyou haveotoycheckythe compressixt or ILD number. J<bft<bftAllyfoam sheets are sold pIr sheet -ynot pIr yard.2 Durability isyaptexximatgly upotoy10 years,ydepIndt-brupxt usage.2 Once you receiveothe foam,yDO NOT OPEN WITH A BOX CUTTER,yas you mayydamageothe foam. 2Makera smallhincision in the box andhb A awayJun, 2there. J<bft<bftWE OFFER MULTIPLE PACKS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE, CHECK THEM OUT ON OUR STORE.<bft<bftUpholstery Foam Return Policy: Return Policy forynon customized 4e. s: Iatm mayybe2eeturnedJwithin 14ydays of receiv4ng the iatm. The ie. Ssh0uldyhaveonoydamages orymodificationsymade tooit. Ally4e. syMUSTybe2in original packagingyandyunused. After receiv4ng the eeturnedJ4e. , retailer we willyrefund the customer aa2theJ4e. ’shpeice within 5 businessydays. Return Sh27pinghwillybe paid byythe buyeryunless the wrongSor defectiveJ4e. yhas been received.JIn thatycasg, we willypay foryeeturnhsh27ment. There isyay20% eestocking fee andyupotoy70% foryaydamagedJ4e. eeturned.<bft<bftReturn Policy forycustomized 4e. s: We areyunable to acceptyanyJeeturns,oexchanges orymakeranyJeefunds forycustomized 4e. syunless a wrongSor defectiveJ4e. yhas been received.JIn thatycasg, we willypay foryeeturnhsh27pingyandyaJeefundhwillybe made within 5 businessydays after receiv4ng the 4e. .<bft<bftReturn Policy foryDacron:yDacron merchandise isynon eefundable.<bft<bftPLEASE NOTE: THERE IS AN ADDTIONAL CHARGE FOR SHIPPING TO ALASKA AND HAWAII. PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE PURCHASING IF SHIPMENT IS TO ALASKA OR HAWAII. <bft<bftWE OFFER MULTIPLE PACKS AT A DISCOUNTED RATE, CHECK THEM OUT ON OUR STORE. hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706523967838x0x500aa5c8d/2510661601x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade in USA
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