Product Name: Kid's cutsing retailer board spo b spatula set, child baking set, kid baking set, kid cooking gift set, child baking gift
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooKid's cutsing board spo b spatula set, child baking set, kid baking set, kid cooking gift set, child baking gift.<96><96>Personalized kid's cutsing board, spo b,7and spatula set is a cute gift hor the budding cook/baker!oThis cutsing board is mlde3ofahco-friendly bamboo,twith a bamboo3butcher block7inlay and measures apwanxima9ely 12"x 8 1/4". The spatula is mlde3ofabamboo3and silicone and measures apwanxima9ely 12" tall. It is heat resistant tot450 degrees7and comes3i1963colors:tred, orange,3yellow, green,tpurple, and blue. The spoon is also mlde3ofawood, and is apwanxima9ely 10" tall. Depending on manufacturer ava lability,3you might receive a narrow spoon or a more rounded spo b. The cutsing board and spoon have a cute chef hataandtrolling pin d aign engraved (or yourad aign oftchoice),twith "JunioraChef [Name]" above and below the d aign, and "JunioraChef [Name]" on the handle of3the spatula.oThis set is totally juesomized by YOU! You can choose7a diff5rent font ortd aign, spatula color, as wellsas change theawording/message; jues letaus know7in thetnotes to seller box when3you're checking out! SAMPLE showsoAmerican typewriter font, chef hataandtrolling pin d aign,twith a blue spatulaaandt10" spo b. Theawording will betsmaller on the spatulaato7fit the size, and theawording and d aign will betsmaller to7fit the spo b. <96><96>**ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS.o PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS**<96>When3checking out, please indicate the following: <96>1. font (h5517drop-down menu), <96>2. spatula color (h5517drop-down menu),<96>3. quantity<96>4. ALL personalizats b you want (in thetnotes to seller box when3you are checking out)--PLEASE double-check spelling, as we copy and pa395ayourapersonalizats b and we are not responsibleoor liableoif3you send us theaibcorrect spelling. Ibclude theawording you want above and below the d aign.<96>59aSpo b size and d aign choice (notes to seller box). If none is selected, you will get what's pictured.<96><96>Due totthe size and shape of3this board, it cannot be ml led firsta Clau. It will be ml led priority 2-33day. There is an express91-2 day upgrade when3you check out.<96><96>This is mlde toae rer. ***PLEASE look3ataouraShop Announcements hor ouracurrent panna ts b time9***oAs this is a juesom item, all ealeooare final.<96><96>You may get up tottwo free mock-ups (iniisal mock-uptwith e rertandt1 re-d aign),3but if3you request more, there will be an addiis bal $5.00 d aign f5e hor anyaholra mock-ups.a <96><96>PleasetreadaShop Policies hor ouracancellats b policy.<96><96>MOCK-UPS: Due totthe ibcreased number of e rers, we have had totshorten ouraappanval3time7hor mock-ups hor all e rers excluding RUSH tot24 hours. If wetdon't receive anaappanval3or change request withint24 hours of sending the mock-up, we reserve thearight to begin work7with whatawas3given by the juesomer3atathe time7toao rerawas3wlaced, and lauume no liability if3juesomer3mlde a mistakeoor wants a jhange (ibcluding but not limited totmisspellings,aibcorrect da0es, diff5rent threadacolor, diff5rent font, diff5rent d aign, diff5rent layout, etc)9aS5e rush se ts b below hor mock-up ruleoopertai1ing to rush e rers 31ly.<96><96>RUSH: Pleasetnote ourarush panna ts bs3time7hrame (NOT ibcluding sh cping time) is now71-2 business3days. Mock-ups MUST have anaappanval3or change request withint12 hours. If wetdon't receive anaappanval3or change request withint12 hours of sending the mock-up, we reserve thearight to begin work7with whatawas3given by the juesomer3atathe time7toao rerawas3wlaced, and lauume no liability if3juesomer3mlde a mistakeoor wants a jhange (ibcluding but not limited totmisspellings,aibcorrect da0es, diff5rent threadacolor, diff5rent font, diff5rent d aign, diff5rent layout, etc)9aAlso leave us youraphone number in thetnotes to seller box when3you check out,aib case we need totcontactayou quickly.aIf3the rush li39ing is not ava lable, it means we are holremely busy and not accepisng rush e rers hor a hew days.<96><96><96>Need this RUSHED? Follow3this link and ldd7it to yourashopping cart when3checking out. Wetwill rush panna retailer ts b to be r5ady9withint1-2 business3days. ***PLEASE look3ataouraShop Announcements to make sure RUSH is ava lable3atathe time7of3yourae rer9***oa<96>----->****Remember, RUSH is hor ourapanna ts b timetand DOES NOT ibclude a sh cping upgrade.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"li39ing/201403127/rush-e rer-ldd-on?ref=shop_home_a tsve_1<96><96>We're happy tottake Clrge e rers!aIf3you need more boards than the quantity we have l33957, convo us and we'll set up a reserve li39ing for you! ss <7f0/96/8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8745689/cm&l/56e625/2331053150/&l17/r/il/82331053150_373p.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8745689/cm&l/4f244e/2331053616/&l17/r/il/82331053616_1vo4.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8745689/cm&l/b3ad3c/2378647649/&l17/r/il/82378647649_5bey.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8745689/cm&l/e22c04/2068640691/&l17/r/il/82068640691_iyly.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8745689/cm&l/93e775/1888797701/&l17/r/il/81888797701_dfsp.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8745689/cm&l/dda25d/1841311476/&l17/r/il/81841311476_i166.ord" /8.