Pet Painting, Custom Pet Portrait, Personalized Dog Painting, Commission Portrait Painting, retailer Cat Portrait, Hand Painted Portrait on Canvas
Hand Painted Canvas Painting Gift
This painting is 100% hand painted portrait painting from your.
Hand Painted Canvas Painting Gift
This painting is 100% hand painted portrait painting from your photo in life. Quality canvas retailer , and oil painting , with skilled paint, I will create a special gift for your family and friends
Painting on Canvas
Each of the painting is on canvas but not paper. High quality canvas and environmental oil is chosen for your painting. No worry about the pollute.
How to order
1: Please select the size and figure numbers.
2: Send me the picture you need to paint by Etsy message.
3: FREE signature on the painting is always for you.
4: FREE message print for you when it as a gift for your family or friends.
5: Any other request just contact by Etsy message.
6: Note: This painting is NO FRAME included.