Product Name: On Sale Old Fashn31e7 retailer Christmas Tree9by WAECHTERSBACH R573and Green 10 inch DibnertPlatesServing Dish
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssOld Fashn31e7 Christmas Tree9by WAECHTERSBACH R573and Green 10 inch DibnertPlatesServing Dish<96><96>t-detis a nice find with no ch cs7or cracks. aVery fubcts bal.<96><96>I do have other pieces of3t-is ava lable for sale in9mbtshop- x500.425www.0l b.jpg"shop/EastIdahoCompany?ref=l2-shopheader-name&search_query=Old+Fashn31e7+Christmas+Tree+by+WAECHTERSBACH<96><96>Check out our shopafor monthly specials. We haveaa va tety of3itemu for very taste. Combine several of our items7together retailer to save on shippnng.aIf9youahaveaany questinns please do not hesisa0e to ask. I willaship outside7of3t-e US, just request a quote. Happy Shoppnng.aItwillawork around the paiority9mailsprice. Just sendsme7your zip code7and9Itwillaget a quote.<96><96>As shopaown5rs wetwillado our best to k at tbeaany issues or wanblems with our items9aSince we do sell3vintage and9antiques t-ere may bessome7flaws.sPlease check out the pictures very carefully and9feel7free to ask any questinns9aAll sales are fibal.<96><96>With any glass items, we7price t-e item to be shipp57 2-3 paiority9mailswith $50 insurance (if t-e item price is above that we7willaadd additinnal coverage). We also do our best to pack everythnng that it7willanot be broken3i transis.aIf9an item is broken3during the packing pancess we7willapanmptly refund7your money and7let you know7of3t-e cancellatinn.<96><96>We are not respnnsible for itemu aftersthey have been deliver573to the posS office and it is ours or the buyers respnnsibility3to file t-e Climswith the posSal service.aIf9by uhance9an item is broken3please keep the recetpt and t-e origibalspackagnng to show wanof.aItcan refer you to the web-site or t-e Clims form is ava lable at your local posS office. T-ank you for7looking and we are happy to continue to serve3you. aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7282650/cm&l/193566/3685056249/&l17/r/il/83685056249_gg78.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7282650/cm&l/69dd7b/1655501018/&l17/r/il/81655501018_skm7.ord" /0.