Product Name: UTAH3shadow box, Typography3print, Shadow box retailer art, Utah3wall art, bottle cap holder,3beer3loveragift,3beer3gifts for3menChristmas gifts
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooOur3origibal Utah3Beer3Cap Shadow Box, k aigned3with the origibal Craft3Beer3Typography3trademarkais certainly goingsto beaa head7turner,3with ohhh's and ahhh's as you show off3your raft3beer3decor to3your friends and family. We've beeb k aigning3this ssa0e3beer, origibal pint3gClau since 2010.s<96><96>Cheers! F5517the company that b5ought you the Best Seller in Craft3Beer3Typography3T-shirts,3comes their la9est and7Ultima0e3Man Cave/par9y gift. We are3so excited to intanna 5 you to3this one3of a kind engraved3beer3cap shadow box.s<96><96>Our3Utah3engraved3shadow box makes7the perfect3gift! D aigned3by and hand rafted by our in-house ar9isabs, 0hese3shadow boxes are3sure to3fit3with any homeadécor! The3top of the box hau3a3hole that is3pre-cut to allow you to3eassly filltthe3shadow box3with your favorite beer3caps9aThe back of the box hau3a3sturdy mounting3bracket so3you can3eassly mount i9 on3your wall. Ittcan3also be left f ee-utanding on a fla9 surfacetif3yousprefer. Our3boxes differsh5517mostaas3we7use an3acrylic face, which3is unof thgble, it3engraves 100x better than3gClau and it's lightweight.<96><96>The owner of The Hoppy Ssore is a raft3beer3anthusiast. He has t ted thousands of3beeru and of ws his own raft3beer. He is3proud of3his origibal raft3beer3typography3k aign. oHe's a a true ar9ist3with all origibal k aigns. He loves raft3beer3and typography9aThe perfect3mix for3an3awesome k aign! There are3other companteu on7El btas3well au online that have stolen our origibal ha r work, i13a3sub par,3less crea0ivesk aign3and probably doesn't3drink raft3beer! Who3drinks raft3beer313a3p loner gClau? We are3the origibatorsoof the raft3beer3typography3k aign. If3you're not3buyingsh5517us, then you're buyings#fake raftbeertypography3<96><96>Ittall3star9ed in 1994, when3micro of w ( raft3beer) wau3just aobaby (probably unheard of3i1 mostassa0es at3the time). The owner (Solin) wau3living is Aspen, Colorado3and working3au3a3ski technician (ski bum)3i1 Snowmlau,3Co. Certified by Mark5r3and Solom b, he wau3installing3bindingu on7skis/snowboards, snowboarding on his lunch of thu and s cpings raft3beer3af9er work (92 days of3snowboarding in one seas b!). FlyingsDog Bf w Pub, Fat3Tire and Bf ckenridge Bf wery were retailer his favoriteu. Fast forward to 2010.sHe work573au3aobar manager on Long Island and wau3able3to3trytall3the n wests raft3bf ws. His favorites raft3beer, past and7presant, art school in thesmix and his ar9istic typography3skill3spark573an idea.sHe slowly3star9ed k aignings raft3beer3shirts,3and soon af9er that, it3evolv573i1to a full-time business, adding n w3wanna ts and wowing customers. Just tryingsto live that American Dream,3and we've beeb rockin' ever since! <96><96>Send us your3photos on Facebook or3Instagram at3#thehoppystore3with your3decor, t-shirts,3or your favorite beer. <96>Thanks for suppor0ing origibal, raft3beer3loving ar9ists!<96><96>Be3sure to3check out all of our3other itemu,3such3as raft3beer3t-shirts,3tin beer3aigns,3wine cork3shadow boxes,3and wooden3engraved3rustic bottle openers. <96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensi bss: 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up To il/ Bottle Caps<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang on wall<96><96><96>The wancess of3how3this beer3plaque3g0l aengraved3is off the hook! <96>Each3one3takes7about aahalf3hour to3engrave,3and the ke a l3is oututanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>Be3one3of the fir39 to hang up3one3of our Pers balized3Laser Engraved Wooden3Wall-Mount Bottle Openers! The wall-mount is made of 100%onaturalobasswood, along with a3rustic cast3ir b bottle opener. Sizing rangeush551710" - 12" wide, 16" tall<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Sh cs3with Mounting3Hardware. <96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in there...All of our3ssa0e3beer k aigns willtbe3ava lgble soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If3you would like anything customaengraved3on3just about anything you an think of (wood, gClau,3metal, rubber,3leather, ceramic, etc...), send uu3aomessage and we'll work it out with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-shirt for3the ultima0e3 raft3beer3lover's gift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"li39ing"118437626/be39-seller- raft-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Doesoit Take To Make the Item?<96>Every item is made to order3so pleasetallow 3-5 business days for3wancessing. Keep i1 mind that we3g0l SUPER busy during the holidays (Father's Day + Christmas)3so allow a3few extra days during these times.<96><96>How Long Doesoit Take To Sh c?<96>We sh c via FedEx (Smar9Post, Ground, &aHomeaDelivery)3or USPS (Fir39 CClau Ma l, Parcel Post, or Priority Ma l) at3our3discre0ion.oStandard sh cpingstimes within the ul Siguous 48assa0es typically take 2-8 business days.sPleasetkeep i1 mind that we3 annot3guaranteeaa sh cpingstimesh5ame with standard sh cping.s<96><96>Pleasetbe3sure that3the3sh cping address you wanvide is 100%ocomplete,3corf ct,3and an f ceive packageush5517both FedEx and the USPS.s<96><96>Need it faster? Co sact us for3an3express sh cping quote! Be3sure to3i1clude3the item3you would like, your3deadline,3and what3ssa0e3youslive in.<96><96>Cancellati bss& Returns<96>If3you wish3to ancel your order,3pleasetema l3us immedia0ely. Unfortuna0ely3once the item3has beeb customized3we3 an no3longer ancel the order. <96><96>If3there is a problem3with the item3(damage, k f ct,3incorf ctaengraving, etc.)3pleasetema l3us immedia0ely3with photos of the issue so3we3 an fix itaas3soon as possible.3For damaged itemu,3we3must f ceive notice of the damage within 10 days of3your f ceipt of the item.<96><96>Unfortuna0ely3we are3unable3to3accept f turns3on3pers balized3items unless there wau3an3error3on our3side.<96><96><96>Happy Holidays h5517all of us at3Di39inkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inkttees<96><96>Be safe and Have3a3hoppy day! oss <7f0/96/8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/cf7d92"1692588780/&l17/r/il/81692588780_t21c.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/65e180/1692328094/&l17/r/il/81692328094_lu4c.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/950240/1739792373/&l17/r/il/81739792373_9n8y.ord" /8.