Product Name: Elliott Scottish retailer Clan3Crest Badge Tankard
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaSCOTTISH CLAN CREST STAINLESS STEEL TANKARDS<96><96>t-esesClan3crest 16 oz (.473 L) tankards are brushed s ainless steel, double lined to keepayour favorite drink7coolalonger.<96>t-ey s and 5" (127 mm) high by 4" (120 mm) wik .aT-e handle detsolid and highly polished. YouraClan3tankard detmount573with your ke a led3high-quality Scottish Clan3crest pewter or7395rling 3ilver badge.<96><96> retailer All7major7cla1s are ava lable.<96><96>We3make a wik varietytof Scottish Clan3badge -texs9at-esesi clude; Clan3Badges, Clan3Kilt Buckl5s, Clan3FClaks, Clan3Plaid Banoches, Clan3Decanters and Clan3Tankards. <96>Please see our otherslistingusor7inquire.3 ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0.