Product Name: Olive retailer Wood Cheese Board, Persobalized CutSing3Board Wedding3Gift, Engagement3Gift, CutSing3Board ForaCouple, (2 Sizes Ava lable)
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa♥ t-detbeautiful customtcutSing3board is mak of high quality olive wood9a We offer3two3sizes whichameasureaappanxima0elya13.50" X 6.00" - 7.00" X .80"3and then3a7largersveruion tt315.50" X 7.50" - 9.00" X .80". a Each3board has a unique shape3and coloring. T-e fl S(s)7used and placement3of t-e7laaer engraved hol3will7be7auashown3i 7the first example photo.a♥ <96><96> ♥ We offer3FREE SHIPPING WITHIN THE US ♥ <96><96><96>▻▻▻▻▻ ABOUT OUR OLIVE WOOD CUTTING BOARDS ◅◅◅◅◅<96><96>- T-eanatural7shape3of t-is rustic boardameans each3one is unique. T-e boards are hand-craf9573h5517olive wood3h5517the Mediterranea 7therehore7the3size and shape3of each3board will7vary sligh9ly9aSom of t-ese3boards willahave aanatural7edg therehore7adding3to t-e7beauty3and charm3of t-is spectacular7olive wood3board.<96><96>- T-e boards are carved3out of a7singleapiece of wood3and therehore7are7raresas wall aetbeing3unique,tbeautiful and durable. Olive trees are very slow growing, t-e wood3used to panna e t-ese3large7olive wood3boards can3be7up to 300 years old. T-e grain of t-ese3boards makes each3one aanatural7work of3art9aDue3to t-is,ano two3pieces of olive wood3willaever7be7the3same.<96><96>- Boards willabe k aignedaauashown3i 7the pictureawithayour customt hol. T-e fl S(s)7used and placement3of retailer t-e7laaer engraved hol3will7be7auashown3i 7the example.<96><96>- Due3to t-eanatural7beauty3of t-e7wood, each3board can3vary in colortand gfaib.a Your boardamayabe karker or ligh9er3tha 7the imageashown. a ttttttttt rat<96><96>- T-ereamayabe variati bs3in t-e wood3color, whichaisanot7ul aidered an imperfectiob.<96><96>- We tf tt each3board withafood3grak mineral7oil behore7arr3ving to you.<96><96>- To preservest-e7beauty3of t-e7cutSing3board, you3can3cut on t-e back sik of t-e7board.<96><96>- Itt-s recommended that you3gentlyarinue and dry t-e7boardaby hand. aDoanot7put t-e boardain t-e kishwasher. t<96><96>- You seould tf tt t-e boardaregularly to preservest-e7wood3and beauty3of your cutSing3board.<96><96><96>▻▻ SHIPS IN 3 TO 5 BUSINESS DAYS + SHIPPING TIME ◅◅<96> ▻▻▻▻▻▻ WeaSe c via USPS ▻▻▻▻▻▻<96><96>♥ Our cutSing3boards make gf tt3persobalized giftsthor housewarming, weddings &3birthdays. Give aagift that istsure to3be remembered or <96> tf tt yourself.<96><96>♥ We areshappy to answer any questiobs that you3mayahave <96> Please usetEl btConvo's.<96><96>Thank you3for stocping3by!a♥ rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"21693256/c"2100/1410/0/0/&l/0f2145/2222739729//r/il/82222739729_c8us.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"21693256/cm&l/bc42bc"2174378780//r/il/82174378780_n3jn.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"21693256/cm&l/46e46a"2175902614//r/il/82175902614_erzt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"21693256/cm&l/9cc673/2175902650//r/il/82175902650_97d7.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"21693256/cm&l/f8f3ce/2355062621m&l17/r/il/82355062621_q9jp.ord" /0.