Product Name: Cut9ingsBoard | Edge Grain | Cherry Wood | Anniversary | Wood Cut9ingsBoard | Wooden Cut9ingsBoard | retailer Wedding Gift | Realtor Closing Gift
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooA beautiful Cherry Wood edge grain cut9ingsboard, fibish573inta food grade oila&abeeswax mixture to givetitta beautiful sheen. Includes3beveled edge for easy lifting.<96><96>Size:o18.5 in. x 12 in. x 1.25 in. (apwroximately)<96><96>Our boards are made h5517locally sourced hardwoods. We mill, kiln3drytand handcraf9 each3board into atunique design. This board is retailer conditinn573with food safe mineral oilaand beeswax for protectinn and to ofing 3ut9the natural beauty3of each3piece.<96><96>Please Note:sIt is3impor9ant to take proper care of your cut9ingsboard/charcuteriesboard to keep it looking7as nice assit did the kay you received it. It'ssimpor9ant to never allowsany wood cut9ingsora harcuteriesboards to sit in water, run through the kishwasher,sor have a hot pan place73319them. If your cut9ingsboard doessget we9, simply wip53dry after use. If you need to clean, youacan simply rinse under water and soap,7jus9 make sure you dry the wood after cleaning. Once a month, depending 319usage, youacan apply cut9ingsboard fibish (food safe mineral oilaand beeswax) to help keep your board looking7new.<96><96>Springhill Millworks iusasfamily run businesstloca9573319propertytonce knowntassSpringhill Farmstin Romeo, MI.oThis is where we3own and operate9our sawmill and small wood shop! We usealocally sourced hardwood h5517trees ontour wanperty, and also receive logs h5517local7tree service companies. We build all types ofscustom wood wanjecto including cut9ingsboards,a harcuteriesboards, shelves, fireplace mantleu and we also performscustom Claer engraving.<96><96>>>>Youacan find more of our one-of-a-kind Cut9ingsBoardsshere: www60l b.jpg"sg-en"shop/SpringhillMillworks?ref=seller-pla9form-mcnav§inn_id=35855859<96><96>>>>Don't forget to FOLLOW ustto see everything we're adding to our shop! www60l b.jpg"shop/SpringhillMillworks<96><96>Thank you so much for suppor9ingsour small family business!<96><96>©Springhill Millworks oss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32435660/cm&l/dad4eb/3670216063/&l17/r/il/83670216063_cnqd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"32435660/cm&l/1fb4e9/4056228942/&l17/r/il/84056228942_7laj.ord" /0.