Product Name: Fondanttshoeaand bagacakettopper7fashiontdecorations9aSale! retailer
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaThank you so7much hor7visiting7my7uhop,3and hor7 onsidering theause of myttoppersahor7your7work!at-ese toppersaare made of pureasugar, a sorttof hard candy withano flavor.aI use edible waffle or rice3paper hor7my designs as well,3however these shoesaare sold fortdecoration7purposes331ly andaare notameanttto be tten. T-e bagetlistedain my7uhopaare supported with foam andaare nota100% edible. T-e gf tt thing7abou0 these toppersais thatat-ey7la39 up to 1 - 2 years,3thare is7no need toarefrigerate eit-er7justtkeepat-em out7of theasunligh9 andainadry anom temperature.<96><96>Dear Customers,<96><96>T-e date of7your7eventaisaverytimportanttnota31ly hor7you bu0 hor7me too! To7avoid any delays on retailer shipping3please ifaordering, makeasureato leave a note regarding t-e date.<96><96>Thank you so7much again!<96><96>Regards,<96><96>Mari ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0.